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Conservation Legacy

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Project Partners

Project Capacity

Crew Projects Individual Placements
Disaster Response Capacity Building
Fence Construction/Maintenance Communications and Media Support
Fire Fuels Reduction/Mitigation/Rehab Education
Habitat/Watershed Restoration Habitat/Watershed Restoration
Historic Preservation Historic Preservation
Invasive Species Management Invasive Species Management
Inventorying and Mapping Inventorying and Mapping
Mining Reclamation/Restoration Mining Reclamation/Restoration
Parks/Campground Maintenance Sustainable/Historic Agriculture
Route/Road Closure Tree Planting and Seeding
Sustainable/Historic Agriculture Water Conservation
Trail Construction/Management Weatherization/Energy Efficiency
Tree Planting and Seeding Volunteer Engagement and Management
Water Conservation And More!
Weatherization/Energy Efficiency

Benefits of Partnering with Conservation Legacy

  • Bring in additional community partners to increase project capacity
  • Use cooperative agreements (avoiding bidding process)
  • Identify funding sources and leverage additional project dollars
  • Introduce future employees to land managers and organizations
  • Region-wide logistical support from one of Conservation Legacy’s many offices
  • Flexibility to design or assign crews and internships based on partner needs

Project Costs

Project costs are dependent a number of factors including crew size, project duration and type of project. Please contact us to get specific information about what your project would cost.

Contact Us

Crew members in front of mountain vista

“The crews were courteous, friendly and also hard-working. The leaders, as always, were professional, business-like, and yet friendly and personable. Everything was well-organized and the crew efficiently tackled each job that was assigned. I highly commend the Southwest Conservation Corps for its dependable and dedicated work crews and leadership.”

Bonnie Swarbrick, Buenos Aires NWR, AZ, US Fish & Wildlife

Word of Thanks with Kyle Clark: Support Southwest Conservation Corps

Right now, Southwest Conservation Corps faces a $46,000 funding gap due to federal budget uncertainty—putting our summer youth crews at risk. Without this support, young people will lose the chance to gain life-changing skills while Colorado’s public lands go without critical restoration work.

Cl Primary Solid Green 800
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