Press and Media
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Stabilizing the Past, Bringing Stability to the Future
Ancestral LandsNovember 17th, 2021 | Located in southeastern Utah, Bears Ears National Monument has a rich cultural heritage and is sacred to many American Indian tribes who rely on these lands for traditional and ceremonial uses. The Bureau of Land Management Utah is partnering with Ancestral Lands Corps, Friends of Cedar Mesa, and Woods Canyon Archaeological Consultants to protect and manage River House in the Bears Ears National Monument.
Source: BLM Utah
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Baileys Trail System - Appalachian Conservation Corps
Appalachian Conservation CorpsNovember 10th, 2022 | This transition from one kind of natural asset to another makes the community grow stronger and healthier by creating trails. The project is engaging the next generation of the region and energizing the previous generation. The Baileys Trail System's future is massive for riders, hikers, and runners of all abilities, with over 80 miles of trail in the plans. All thanks to this beautiful landscape full of welcoming people working to redefine its identity.
Source: Pearl Izumi
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Feds make Oak Creek a ‘critical’ snake habitat
Arizona Conservation CorpsNovember 10th, 2021 | When a group of Arizona Conservation Corps workers were performing trail maintenance in upper Oak Creek Canyon last month, they came upon a rare sight next to an unofficial trail: Five olive gray snakes with faint reddish spots intertwined in courtship.
Source: Red Rock News
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You Have To Be High Intensity
Arizona Conservation CorpsNovember 10th, 2021 | Arizona Conservation Corps crew members are working with Cocopah to reduce the risk of wildfires and restore the habitat on the west reservation.
Source: Cocopah Now
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Crews close social trails, a bane of erosion, E. Coli and ecosystem impacts, along Oak Creek
Arizona Conservation CorpsOctober 22, 2021 | "This week, a group of Arizona Conservation Corps (AZCC) members completed the second phase of a project that officials hope will rehabilitate many areas along the corridor that have been hit hard by visitors, improve water quality in the creek and protect habitat for the threatened narrow-headed garter snake.
The project, a collaboration between countless groups including the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, National Forest Foundation, Coconino National Forest’s Red Rock District and the AZCC, seeks to close hundreds of unofficial social trails that crisscross the area between the highway and the creek."
Source: Arizona Daily Sun
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Post-9/11 Veterans can apply to become wildland firefighter
Veterans Fire CorpsOctober 19th, 2021 | "Post-9/11 Veterans looking for a career as a wildland firefighter can apply to the Southeast Conservation Corps Veterans Fire Corps program.
Squads work on fire mitigation and fuels reduction projects on public lands, giving back to the surrounding communities. Veterans must be flexible, adaptable and able to work in a fluid, changing work environment."
Source: Vantage Point
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$1.3M Getty Grant will Protect and Preserve Wupatki National Monument
Ancestral LandsSeptember 22, 2021 | "As part of its engagement at Wupatki, the Penn team and partners will also expand professional training, cultural heritage education, and career discovery opportunities for Native youth focused on the conservation of American Indian ancestral sites, including a 12-week summer program in partnership with Conservation Legacy’s Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps. The program will incorporate fieldwork, job shadowing, and mentoring by cultural resources advisors from Northern Arizona Tribes and a 10-week summer internship program for Native degree-seeking students through Northern Arizona University."
Source: Native News Online
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On your next hike, spare a thought for the trail builders who made it possible
September 15th, 2021 | "You don’t see them as you kick through the leaves on your hike. You won’t see them as you squeeze through an inviting crevice between two boulders to discover what’s beyond. Don’t look for them as you pedal toward a perfectly placed berm or you may tumble off your bike. Just know that the people responsible for the thrilling ride and the beckoning passageway, the people who plan where you will step and what you will view — they see you. These trail workers are the unseen architects guiding your interaction with the great outdoors."
Source: The Washington Post
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Conservation Legacy is proud to announce Ancestral Lands as the recipient of the 2021 Outdoor Retailer Inspiration Award in the nonprofit category.
Ancestral LandsAugust 12, 2021 | The 11th Annual Outdoor Retailer Inspiration Awards celebrate champions of the outdoor community who inspire and encourage others to enjoy, participate in, and support outdoor recreation. Annual awards are presented to individuals, organizations, and companies within the outdoor recreation industry. This year’s recipients have been announced at the virtual ceremony, which occurred on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, in conjunction with the Outdoor Retailer summer market in Denver.
An Uplifting Evening
Ancestral LandsAugust 12, 2021 | See page 10 for Ancestral Lands feature in The Daily, a publication by Outdoor Retailer!
Source: The Daily
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