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Archive 2021

58 Results
  • Crew member tamps down a section of trail

    Conservation group make trail improvements at Stanback Forest

    Conservation Corps North Carolina

    April 1st, 2021| Conservation Corps North Carolina, which dispatches teams to improve parks across the state, sent six people to the forest this week to improve the trails. They’ll be back in Spencer next week, too, to keep working. The goal, assistant crew leader Lillian Cahill said, is to make hiking trails more sustainable so maintenance isn’t as necessary in the future.

    Source: Salisbury Post

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  • 0401 Spencertrail Cb1

    Conservation group make trail improvements at Stanback Forest

    Conservation Corps North Carolina

    April 1st, 2021 | Conservation Corps North Carolina, which dispatches teams to improve parks across the state, sent six people to the forest this week to improve the trails. They’ll be back in Spencer next week, too, to keep working. The goal, assistant crew leader Lillian Cahill said, is to make hiking trails more sustainable so maintenance isn’t as necessary in the future. The workers in Spencer have been building trails by hand, including new switchbacks at the trail off Rowan Avenue to replace the entrance that went straight back into the forest.

    Source: Salisbury Post

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  • A crew member pries a rock with another crew member in the background

    $2 Trillion Spending Plan Excites Colorado Groups Working In Critical Outdoor Missions

    Southwest Conservation Corps

    March 31st, 2021 | When President Joe Biden announced a $2 trillion infrastructure bill, several groups in Colorado rejoiced as they crawled closer to a much needed increase in funding. Colorado has eight accredited Youth Corps organizations, and they could see a boost that would bring money, and, in turn, hire people for much needed projects throughout the state.

    Source: CBS 4 Denver

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  • A view of a valley with logs laying in a clearing

    Damaged Colorado Trail section expected to be clear of avalanche debris by fall

    Southwest Conservation Corps

    March 29, 2021 | A stretch of the Colorado Trail that runs through the Weminuche Wilderness is expected to be fixed by fall after a historic year for avalanches damaged the trail in 2019. Kristina Schenck, lead wilderness ranger for the U.S. Forest Service’s Columbine Ranger District, said the winter of 2018-19 brought unprecedented avalanche activity to the San Juan Mountains.

    Source: The Journal

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  • Screen Shot 2022 01 21 At 11 01 16 Am

    Nonprofits partner to clean up around Carteret County

    Conservation Corps North Carolina

    March 29, 2022 | The N.C. Coastal Federation, a nonprofit headquartered in Ocean and dedicated to preserving and restoring the coastal environment in North Carolina, has partnered with the Conservation Corps North Carolina, a Conservation Legacy program dedicated to motivating young adults to engage in conservation projects.

    Source: Cartaret County Times

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  • Acc Trail Maintenance 2 1228X819

    Area environmental groups hoping for boost from Biden executive order

    Appalachian Conservation Corps

    March 26, 2021 | Even as the details for implementing President Joe Biden’s executive order establishing a Civilian Climate Corps are still being hammered out, crews from the Appalachian Conservation Corps (ACC) are out planting trees in the Rappahannock watershed. Zach Foster, founder and director of the Harrisonburg-based ACC, said the group’s work exemplifies what the newly created national effort is trying to achieve. “They’re out there planting bare root tree seedlings primarily with private landowners who agreed to conservation easements. The whole initiative is basically improving the watershed of the Rappahannock River and making it a more resilient ecosystem,” Foster said.

    Source: The Citizen

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  • P1010738 Scaled

    Black leadership advances new trails project in Pisgah National Forest

    Conservation Corps North Carolina

    March 25th, 2021 | Work is slated to begin later this year on the Old Fort Trails Project, which will create roughly 42 miles of new sustainably constructed trails to improve community connectivity, reduce barriers to access, and support environmental and social sustainability. The project is spearheaded by People on the Move Old Fort, a Black-led collaborative that advocates for the community’s Black residents. The efforts are designed to remove some of the hurdles, including historical legacies, to Black participation in trail building and recreation.

    Source: Carolina Public Press

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  • A rock overhang creating a cave area in the trail

    Trail rehabilitation in Oak Creek, Coconino National Forest, Arizona

    Arizona Conservation Corps

    March 18, 2021 | Iconic Oak Creek Canyon on the Coconino National Forest is seeing increasing visitation, leading to unsafe parking and unauthorized trails, which increase erosion and pose water quality concerns. To meet these challenges, NFF is working with partners including REI Co-op and REI Foundation, Coconino National Forest, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Conservation Legacy, and the Oak Creek Watershed Council to improve trails and clean up trash, all with an eye towards reducing impacts to the waterway and improving visitor experience.

    Source: National Forests

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  • Cajo Wero1Nps 1025

    Indigenous Insight Informs NPS Exploration And Development Of Sacred Site

    Appalachian Conservation Corps

    March 5,2021 | Werowocomoco rests atop a bluff on a peninsula in the Tidewater region of eastern Virginia, surrounded by marshlands, fields, and forests. It is a lush and verdant place, rich in plant and animal life—but most importantly, rich in Indigenous history and heritage.

    Until recently, the site’s exact location was lost to the memory of the tribes who once inhabited it. Now recently rediscovered, Conservation Legacy and the National Park Service are collaborating with Native tribes to learn more about Werowocomoco, incorporate it into the National Park System, and accurately and respectfully interpret it for future visitors.

    Source: National Parks Traveler • Appalachian Conservation Corps

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  • 052020 Bair Invasive Trees 1 362

    Opinion: As Biden orchestrates a response to climate change, Colorado can serve as a model


    February 25, 2021 | President Joe Biden’s executive order in January directing the federal government to create a Civilian Climate Corps marks the recognition of an existential threat we are facing on our planet.

    In Colorado we are facing a new era of mega-fires, declining access to water, and other potentially devastating effects of climate change. President Biden’s executive order correctly calls this a “profound climate crisis” and seeks to broadly address climate change by putting Americans to work “restoring public lands and waters, increasing reforestation, increasing carbon sequestration in the agricultural sector, protecting biodiversity, improving access to recreation, and addressing the changing climate.”

    Source: The Colorado Sun

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